Disruption Research at the Joint Runaway Electron Modelling meeting

The Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and JET SPI Analysis meeting took place June 10th-14th this year at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. This small annual conference attracts scientists from across the world who study runaway electrons in tokamaks. It is a great opportunity to see the latest work in the field, as well as to make connections and get feedback from the runaway electron community. Three MIT PSFC Disruption Group members attended and presented talks on their research pertaining to runaway electrons in SPARC.
Research Scientist Alex Tinguely presented on the plans for runaway electron mitigation and measurement in the SPARC tokamak, PhD student Abby Feyrer presented modeling work on runaway electron impacts, and postdoc John Boguski presented his testing of the materials for the SPARC runaway electron mitigation coil. These presentations led to fruitful discussions with other scientists. For more information see the conference website and the presentations below.
Presenter | Title | Abstract | Slides |
RA Tinguely | An update on runaway electron mitigation & diagnosis in SPARC | abstract | slides |
A Feyrer | Scoping and modeling of runaway electron impacts in SPARC | abstract | slides |
J Boguski | Update on the implementation of the SPARC tokamak runaway electron mitigation coil | abstract | slides |
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